This Friday, I will be in Jersey, speaking at an international charity conference hosted by Variety International. You can learn about their work here and the conference details are here.
You can see me on the Speakers’ Page here.
I am very excited to be speaking on the topic of how people can grow their influence to have more of an impact on the causes that matter to them. As much of my career has been spent in and around the charity sector I am feeling particularly lucky to be able to combine two things I love- supporting charities and helping people have more influence. I will aim to give delegates attending my session practical tools to take away to immediately start making a difference to their ability to influence and I’ll be sharing my special LEAPS Model.
It is amazing to read the inspirational efforts of people who will be getting Awards at the Conference- including Rio Ferdinand, which I am pretty excited about! Through my Social Good Six interview series I try to bring brilliant people supporting social good, to greater attention.
I have been researching more about Variety- you can watch an inspiring video of how they started here.
If you would like to follow more about the conference, please look out for them on Twitter here.
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