Amazingly, Twitter is 10 years old today! The hashtag people are using to celebrate is #LoveTwitter- it’s worth checking out.
Here’s a round up of some articles celebrating the anniversary:
This is how Twitter used to look
These are the most popular British people on Twitter
This explains about the first tweet
Here are some of the tweets that changed lives
I own 5 accounts on Twitter with a total following of more than 25,000 people. Twitter has given me the opportunity to connect to so many new and interesting people all over the world. It’s also given me the chance to let people know about the causes I care about.
I’m very grateful to Twitter for the help it has given me and I hope that, despite some recent troubles, it manages to celebrate 20 years in style.
I find Twitter a great leveller- even if you are a small organisation or a single individual, you can still get your messages out and interact with so many people who are interested in the same things that you are.
The video from me below gives you some tips on how to increase the number of people following you.
Twitter is a very useful way to build influence online. If you are interested in growing your influence, you should sign up to my email list for The Influence Expert and have the chance to be entered into a contest to win some free help from me…
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