Start Here

Are there things in your life, or in the world that you wish you could have an impact on?

How about things like:

  • getting a promotion at work
  • feeling that the message you want to share with the world is being heard by the right people
  • making a difference to a cause that really matters to you
  • being respected by your peers
  • being a thought leader in your field
  • having the opportunity to make speeches in front of hundreds of people
  • or many other areas that might be important to you?


Start HereHi, I’m Alex Swallow. I believe that in order to have the best chance of having an impact, you need to grow your influence.

Influence is a topic that people are increasingly talking about and it will only become more important in the years to come.

If you look around you at powerful people, what they share is influence. Some will have influence simply because they are rich or because they hold a certain high public office, but those people are few and far between.

Most influential people are influential because they have built their brand over time, others know what they stand for and they go after their goals with a laser focus.

In the modern world we all have the opportunity- greater than ever before in human history- to connect with other people and share our message. This is partly because of the amazing online world. But it is also because of the opportunities we have to travel, to trade and to learn from people from all the corners of the globe.

This new environment should be a great leveller.

Often it isn’t, because people don’t know how to grow their influence and there is so much ‘noise’ you need to break through if you are going to be successful. So, a few people still get most of the opportunities.

Through The Influence Expert, I want to help make sure that you are one of the people who get those opportunities.

If you want to grow your influence, I am going to show you how- and help you build your influence to increase your impact.

I want you to know that I haven’t always had influence myself, or understood the topic very well.

A few years ago my career wasn’t going in the direction I wanted it to and I wasn’t making the progress I craved. I was ambitious but I felt like I was wasting my time and that I couldn’t take the right steps forward.

I’m sure that you have felt that too sometimes.

Perhaps you have been passed over when the senior role came up that you really wanted? Or maybe you feel that with a bit of guidance and added impetus, you could just achieve a whole lot more?

What stopped me from quitting when things weren’t working out for me was that I had caught glimpses, at different times in my life, of the magic that happened when I focused my efforts in the right areas. I began to think more strategically about how to grow my own influence.

Putting my theories into practice, I went from being in a junior role at one charity to becoming the Chief Executive of another. I went from not even being invited to networking events to being invited to make keynote speeches, judge national awards and run high-level masterclass training. As I met more and more people at a senior level I began to recognize some of the traits and habits that made the best of the best stand out from the rest. They all involved being able to understand, grow and use influence effectively.

Now, I want to share some of these secrets with you and I have devoted myself to increasing my knowledge of the subject of influence.

The core to my work is a model I’ve put together, which is exclusive to The Influence Expert.


It is called the LEAPS Model:

L- Likeability

E- Expertise

A- Authenticity

P- Personal Brand

S- Synthesis


In my training, courses, publications and 1-1 work, I will explain this model in depth. I think it and all of the insights I will share with you have the potential to make a huge difference to your career and ultimately to your whole life.

The model is complemented by The Influence Star, which helps you focus on each of the specific areas in turn:

The Influence Star

That’s the exciting part. But, before you sign up to this adventure with me, one note of caution.

This website is not for people who want to dabble in influence. It is for people who are prepared to make a proper commitment. Not everyone will be willing to put in the work, not everyone cares enough, not everyone is that bothered about making a difference. I am hoping that you are one of the select group who will and the fact you have read up to this point suggests that you are.

If you are, please come on this journey with me by signing up to my email list and having a look at the other support I can provide you with. You can download my ebook, ‘How To Become An Influencer’ for free here.


Julia Hobsbawm

Founder Editorial Intelligence and author of ‘Fully Connected’. Hon.Visiting Professor in Networking, London’s Cass Business School and The University of Suffolk

‘Alex Swallow’s energy, dynamism and social conscience is inspiring’