Category Archives: Resources
Ten Little Wins To Keep You Moving Forward

Sometimes, despite your best of intentions your day just isn’t going well. I wanted to share 10 little wins that you can build into what you are doing to make yourself feel like things are moving forward: 1- Share something of you with the world 2- Share something to help someone else’s work 3- Take […]
What Are The ‘Golden Threads’ Of Your Career?
Influence Area 3- The A Of LEAPS ‘Authenticity’
Influence Area 2- The E Of LEAPS ‘Expertise’

This is an excerpt from my book ‘How To Become An Influencer’. Read the full book (you can get it free on this website) to get exercises that will help you understand your own level of influence and take your first steps to make some improvements… SKILL Step ‘Leadership is influence’ John C. Maxwell S- […]
How To Make More Opportunities Come Into Your Life

I’ve posted an enormous article on LinkedIn on this subject, you can view it here. It covers: Why finding opportunities matter Who are some people who seem to take advantage of all the opportunities in their life What are the three ways that you can increase the amount of opportunities that you get […]
The 10 People You Need To Know In 2018

Happy New Year and thanks for all your support of The Influence Expert in 2017! I’ve written a post for LinkedIn which discusses: What we’ve been up to this year: Including living in five countries, my first viral article and more… What our top plans are for 2018: Chiefly, creating amazing resources for […]