In this speech at the Variety International World Conference in Spring 2016 (just uploaded), I explain how you can grow your influence to increase the impact you have on the world.
I discuss:
– Why Influence Matters
– How Influence In The Modern World Is Different
– Online And Offline Influence
– Other Practical Steps To Take Away
– A Challenge For You
I use my LEAPS Model to further explain concepts:
L- Likeability
E- Expertise
A- Authenticity
P- Personal Brand
S- Synthesis
In the modern world we all have the opportunity- greater than ever before in human history- to connect with other people and share our message. This is partly because of the amazing online world. But it is also because of the opportunities we have to travel, to trade and to learn from people from all the corners of the globe.
This new environment should be a great leveller.
Often it isn’t, because people don’t know how to grow their influence. So, a few people still get most of the opportunities.
This speech will help you become one of those people!
For more information about Variety International, click here.
I hope you enjoy the speech, I certainly enjoyed giving it. It was particularly exciting to present in a cinema- and it meant that my slides were in very high definition!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.