How To Become An Influencer- Free Ebook From The Influence Expert

Influence Area 5- The S Of LEAPS 'Synthesis'

How To Become An Influencer


I’m very excited to share my very first ebook with you. It’s called ‘How To Become An Influencer’ and there are three ways to get it:

  • By signing up for my email list on this site – for FREE (this way you get 2 free bonuses which accompany it)
  • By going to the store section of my website where you can download it directly- for FREE
  • By going to Amazon where a Kindle and a paperback version are currently available- I may make the paperback available for a limited time only

The ebook, which is over 100 pages long, serves as an introduction to the topic of influence and to my work as The Influence Expert.

It sets out why I think we are living through the start of The Influence Century and presents the ‘Triple I’ concept- Influence Is Impact– meaning that in order to have the impact you want to in the world you need to grow your influence first.

I would appreciate you spreading the word by sharing a tweet to let others know there is a free book for them! All you have to do is click the link below:

If you are interested in growing your #influence there is a free ebook for you here! 


In the book I fully introduce the concept of the LEAPS Model, which I have already written about on this site.

For the first time I reveal the full detail of the model via The Influence Star, seen below:


The Influence Star


I hope that you find the concepts it has to teach you of interest and of use and I will be helping share many more posts and resources on this in the future.

The book is also packed with exercises at the end of key sections which will help you to start thinking about why you want influence and your next steps to get it.

At the end of the ebook there is a list of all of the people who have most influenced me and whose work I think you should check out. You’ll be able to learn a lot through their work and through the free content many of them share.

I’m really excited about this book for many reasons. Three are:

  • It provides me with a new way to share my ideas on a subject that I care deeply about, with the world
  • It allowed me to set out my thinking and ideas in a much more comprehensive way that I could do in a blog piece
  • On a personal level, writing a book of any description is something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember and it is a joy to be able to write it about influence!

I’ve also created a new part of the website about The Influencer Tribe, which I am excited to share with you too. Find out what it is and why you should be part of it.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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8 thoughts on “How To Become An Influencer- Free Ebook From The Influence Expert

  1. A huge achievement and it must be so personally rewarding to know that you have reached this moment, you are a dark horse! Got no wind of this whatsoever! Really looking forward to downloading and having a read. My own friend, The Influence Expert. Well done Alex!

  2. Well done Alex congratulations on publishing this your first book.
    As an author myself, I know how much hard work and how many long hours you must have put in to create it.
    I look forward to reading my e copy!
    Best wishes, Cecile @cecilegillard (the charities person!)

    • Thanks for your lovely message Cecile and really hope you like it!

      Being able to come along to your book launch was one of the things that inspired me to write something….

  3. I’ve just had a quick read of the intro & looking forward to more, well done Alex – impressive & will recommend to others.

    • Thanks so much Jenny, really appreciate the kind words and support! Hope it helps the amazing leaders you work with.